The short answer to that question is yes.
If you’ve been a landlord for a while and your property is starting to look a bit tired, then giving it a bit of spruce up will work wonders for both you and your future tenants.
Here at Clarendons we regularly advise and help our landlords plan refurbishments across their Surrey and Sussex portfolios – and as we can organise all of the work in house with our trusted contractors, it makes it a hassle-free process for the landlords.
Just last month we helped a landlord who had a property that was between tenancies. The one-bedroom ground floor flat in the Redhill area was in need of a bit of love and care before we listed it for rental again.
The kitchen was close to 15 years old (it’s recommended to change kitchens and bathrooms every 10-15 years and carpets every 7-10 years) and other areas just needed a refresh.
Here’s what we organised for our client:
- We completely gutted the kitchen and put in new cabinets, appliances and flooring to really brighten it up. This kitchen should now be good for at least 10 years.
- In the bathroom we freshened up the appliances with new fixtures, lighting and grouting. Remember, sometimes all it takes is some paint and finishing touches to give a room new life.
- The rest of the property had new carpets and painted throughout.
- The garden - which is a great addition for a one-bedroom flat – was in need of some real TLC so we had it all cut back and is now ready to be enjoyed.
The refurbishment process was seamless as we worked with contractors who we knew would deliver for our client, and on time.
The end result?
The property was put on for let with us at £100 more a month than it previously let for and was snapped up within a few days of being on the market. So, while the landlord had to spend some money ahead of the tenancy, the increased rent means he will get a good ROI in the long run.
Interested in finding out more? Get in touch with us today.